
Numerical Cognition Speaks Up: Reflections and Acknowledgements on the Journal of Numerical Cognition

John Towse*a

Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2017, Vol. 2(3), 166–169, https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i3.99

Published (VoR): 2017-02-10.

*Corresponding author at: Department of Psychology, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YF, United Kingdom. E-mail: jtowse@jnc.psychopen.eu

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The Journal of Numerical Cognition published its first issue last year. For me, the first issue was released with a mixture of excitement, relief and trepidation. Excitement, that the project had come to fruition from its initial genesis (see comments in Towse, 2015). Relief – that the first issue was public and as a result, that the Journal was more than just a potential web page and a set of behind-the-scenes activities. With the release of Volume 1, Issue 1, there was the start of Journal content. And trepidation because at that point, because the Journal was in publication, there was now an expectation of follow up and schedules and yet the Journal was of course still very much in its infancy.

Looking back over the past year, I am happy to confirm that the Journal has indeed been a success. The current issue completes the first full year of publication and accomplishes its target of three issues for the year, accompanying the initial issue that appeared near the end of 2015. I am particularly pleased that the Journal has been able to publish a range of articles that start to represent at least some of the diversity of work in numerical cognition, including for example developmental questions tested at age 4 and beyond (Knudsen, Fischer, Henning, & Aschersleben, 2015; Starr & Brannon, 2015), cross cultural issues (Morrissey, Liu, Kang, Hallett, & Wang, 2016), analysis of the trajectory of real world mathematics skills (Sullivan, Frank, & Barner, 2016) and the cognition that supports different arithmetic processes (Curtis, Huebner, & LeFevre, 2016). In addition, the Journal has addressed and discussed conceptual issues in the research priorities for the field (see Alcock et al., 2016, and accompanying commentaries).

Moreover, I believe that it is already apparent that the Journal has good visibility and value. Each of the research reports in the very first issue has been viewed several hundred times, and the on-page counter of course does not pick up reads from other servers or emailed copies of the papers between colleagues, and so on. Moreover, the majority of the research reports from the first issue have already accumulated multiple citations (and these are other-citations not self-citations). Consequently, I feel confident in being able to write that submitting work to the Journal should be seen as an attractive option, not only for reasons already identified a year ago (Towse, 2015), but also because of evidence that such work stands a good chance of being noticed and used, and feeding into the field of numerical cognition.

Journal Statistics

At the time of writing, The Journal had received 66 submissions (this is over an approximately two-year period, because it includes the run-up to launch). The mean time to review has been approximately 7 weeks and, for papers which have been published, the mean time from initial submission to appearance has been approximately 7 months. Review time is within the stated objectives for the Journal. whilst being on the outer region of what we would like to achieve. When there have been delays in the review process we have striven to update authors. In any case, these statistics are provided to back up the Journal aspiration to offer effective peer review of submissions and that this occurs in a reasonable time scale.

Aside from the articles themselves, the Journal has benefited from the establishment of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society [http://the-mcls.org], a development that was anticipated but not realised at the launch of the first issue. The Society now provides an important and valuable home for researchers in the field. Moreover, JNC is the official journal of the Society, so there is now a link between a research Society and this research Journal. I believe this is of tremendous benefit to each; the first post-launch meeting of the Society is in Tennessee in 2017, and it is a meeting many are looking forward to already.

The success of the Journal would simply not be possible without the many volunteers who have agreed to invest their time and energy in reviewing submissions. Peer review is by no means a perfect system, but as Editor it has been heartening to witness the constructive advice provided by reviewers – necessarily critical at times, but also insightful and supportive and helping to improve the work that is considered and the way it can be communicated. An experienced and wise Journal Editor, on hearing about the project to launch the Journal of Numerical Cognition had confided “Your biggest problem is going to be finding reviewers. Numerical Cognition above all others is the area where finding journal reviewers is especially hard.” That potential reviewers sometimes decline invitations is to be expected – we nearly all have busy lives and an almost endless list of commitments and priorities. And whilst it would be terrific if we could increase the rate at which review invitations were accepted, the past year provides evidence that this prediction was actually unduly pessimistic.

As Editor, I would like to state my appreciation to the publishers, PsychOpen, for all their help and support in the past year. I have been very impressed by the professionalism, commitment and cooperation that has been provided. They want the Journal to succeed, they want to do a good job, and they want to help authors make the most of the work they have undertaken – and it shows. They provide an exceptional platform for psychologists to discuss their research.


The author has no funding to report.

Competing Interests

The author has declared that no competing interests exist.


The author has no support to report.


  • Alcock, L., Ansari, D., Batchelor, S., Bisson, M.-J., De Smedt, B., Gilmore, C., . . . Weber, K., (2016). Challenges in mathematical cognition: A collaboratively-derived research agenda. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2(1), 20-41. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i1.10

  • Curtis, E. T., Huebner, M. G., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2016). The relationship between problem size and fixation patterns during addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2(2), 91-115. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i2.17

  • Knudsen, B., Fischer, M. H., Henning, A., & Aschersleben, G. (2015). The development of Arabic digit knowledge in 4- to 7-year-old children. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 1(1), 21-37. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v1i1.4

  • Morrissey, K. R., Liu, M., Kang, J., Hallett, D., & Wang, Q. (2016). Cross-cultural and intra-cultural differences in finger-counting habits and number magnitude processing: Embodied numerosity in Canadian and Chinese university students. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i1.14

  • Starr, A., & Brannon, E. M. (2015). Developmental continuity in the link between sensitivity to numerosity and physical size. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 1(1), 7-20. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v1i1.2

  • Sullivan, J., Frank, M. C., & Barner, D. (2016). Intensive math training does not affect approximate number acuity: Evidence from a three-year longitudinal curriculum intervention. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2(2), 57-76. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i2.19

  • Towse, J. (2015). Finding a voice for numerical cognition. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 1(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v1i1.16

Acknowledgment of Reviewers

The Journal would like to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the following reviewers for the journal in supporting its efforts in 2015 and 2016.

  1. John Adams

  2. J Alameda-Bailén

  3. Giovanni Anobile

  4. Marie Arsalidou

  5. Mark Ashcraft

  6. Pierre Barrouillet

  7. Hilary Barth

  8. Miriam Bassok

  9. Daniel Berch

  10. Jeff Bisanz

  11. Par Bjalkebring

  12. Elizabeth Brannon

  13. Valerie Camos

  14. Jamie Campbell

  15. Beth Casey

  16. Julie Castronovo

  17. Seda Cavdaroglu

  18. Dana Chesney

  19. Krzysztof Cipora

  20. Jack Clearman

  21. Dale Cohen

  22. Roi Cohen Kadosh

  23. Tanja Dackermann

  24. Eddy Davelaar

  25. Bert De Smedt

  26. Daniele Didino

  27. Julia Dietrich

  28. Frank Domahs

  29. Chris Donlan

  30. Dror Dotan

  31. Ann Dowker

  32. Kimmo Eriksson

  33. Thomas J Faulkenberry

  1. Deborah Fein

  2. Wim Fias

  3. Martin Fischer

  4. Giovanni Galfano

  5. Thomas Gallagher-Mitchell

  6. David C Geary

  7. Silke Goebel

  8. Roland Grabner

  9. Alessandro Guida

  10. Elizabeth Gunderson

  11. Hilde Haider

  12. Harry Haladjian

  13. Nicole Hansen

  14. Matthias Hartmann

  15. Brenna Hassinger-Das

  16. Avishai Henik

  17. Graham Hitch

  18. Christine Howe

  19. Paula Jane Hubber

  20. Charles Hulme

  21. Michelle Hurst

  22. Matthew Inglis

  23. Anja Ischebeck

  24. Curren Katz

  25. Augustin Kelava

  26. David Kirshner

  27. Attila Krajcsi

  28. Evelyn Kroesbergen

  29. Karin Landerl

  30. Elida Laski

  31. Jo-Anne LeFevre

  32. Patrick Lemaire

  33. Hugues Lortie-Forgues

  34. Ian Lyons

  35. Steve Majerus

  36. Nicolas Masson

  37. Veronica Mazza

  38. Michele Mazzocco

  39. Koleen McCrink

  40. Sandrine Mejias

  41. Karen Mills

  42. Wenke Moehring

  43. Kristina Moll

  44. Kevin Muldoon

  45. Benjamin Nagengast

  46. Swiya Nath

  47. Marie-Pascale Noel

  48. Jade Eloise Norris

  49. Andreas Obersteiner

  50. Darko Odic

  51. Sinan Olkun

  52. Maria Chiara Passolunghi

  53. Marcie Penner-Wilger

  54. Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas

  55. Belinda Pletzer

  56. Mariagrazia Ranzini

  57. Ilyse Resnick

  58. Bert Reynvoet

  59. Timothy Rickard

  60. Orly Rubinsten

  61. Delphine Sasanguie

  62. Lennart Schalk

  63. Simone Schnall

  64. Francesco Sella

  65. Samuel Shaki

  66. Fiona Simmons

  67. Victoria Simms

  68. Firat Soylu

  69. Ariel Starr

  70. James Stone

  71. Tilo Strobach

  72. Catherine Thevenot

  73. Peter Thompson

  74. Clarissa A Thompson

  75. Loel Tronsky

  76. Catherine Ulrich

  77. Kiran Vanbinst

  78. Sashank Varma

  79. Tom Verguts

  80. Lieven Verschaffel

  81. Tina Weis

  82. Iro Xenidou-Dervou

  83. Rina Zazkis

  84. Xinlin Zhou

  85. Marco Zorzi