Forthcoming Articles

Articles below are "in press", i.e., accepted for publication in Journal of Numerical Cognition but not yet published. However, authors are encouraged to make their Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) available on this page (as described below).

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  • Thirty years of knower-levels: A systematic review of the Give-N task
    Theresa Wege, Taeko Bourque, Rebecca Merkley, Pierina Cheung
  • Learning number notations – Comparison of a sign-value and place-value system
    Hanna Weiers, Camilla Gilmore, Matthew Inglis
  • Variation in mathematics performance: A multilevel analysis with student and school's characteristics
    Jimena Cosso
  • Do preschoolers use rules to represent their count list?
    Jess Sullivan, Joseph Alvarez, Sophie Cramer-Benjamin, Sadie Holcomb, Melissa Nolan, Alex Morabito, Rose Scneider, David Barner
  • The parity judgment SNARC effect: Investigating the possible role of response mapping order and of the nature of the instruction
    Jolien Moorkens, Jean-Philippe van Dijck, Wim Fias
  • Book review of “Numerical Cognition and the Epistemology of Arithmetic” by Markus Pantsar.
    Valeria Giardino
  • New editorial team at the Journal of Numerical Cognition
    Victoria Simms