Focus and Scope

The Journal of Numerical Cognition (JNC) is a free online peer-reviewed journal publishing original studies, critical commentaries, theoretical position statements and book reviews relevant to numerical cognition. The journal emphasizes scholarship, but also seeks to provide a bridge between theory and practice in numerical cognition. It aims to have a worldwide audience.

JNC aims to facilitate communication not only amongst psychologists but also between psychologists and cognate disciplines. It also encourages dialogue between theory development and practice with respect to understanding numerical cognition. The objective of the journal is to provide readers with access to high-quality professional information, thus stimulating the scientific community in Europe, North America and worldwide. Indeed JNC welcomes contributions from researchers and practitioners irrespective of their geographical location.

The main objectives are to provide a scholarly forum for the focused discussion of research into numerical cognition and in so doing, increase the visibility of this topic domain in psychology and beyond.

As a result, the journal has been developed so to be accessible to both young researchers and established professionals without discipline boundaries. By being open access, it is also designed so that contributions are available not just to the academic community but to the larger audience of individuals who teach about number and work with numerical information. Its structure gives room to a broad and multidisciplinary range of psychology studies and research. The following types of article can be considered:

Empirical Research

The journal welcomes submissions based on empirical research that will be evaluated with respect to the contribution in terms of the significance of contribution, methodological rigour, and ability to communicate effectively. All empirical research is approproate so long as it demonstrably falls within the field of numerical cognition of the psychology of mathematics.

Replications and refinements are appropriate submission types, where they are identified as such, and serve a clearly defined purpose and respond to a need in the literature.

Registered Reports

A new type of empirical research article being offered by the journal in which editorial decisions are based in part on peer review that takes place before authors conduct research. The two central features of registered reports are that:

  1. Peer review of the introduction, methods and analysis plan occurs prior to data collection, and
  2. Manuscripts that are found acceptable through pre-study peer review receive an in-principle acceptance, which will not be revoked based on the outcomes of the research.

The paper will be published provided that quality assurance measures have succeeded, the authors have adhered to the agreed-upon protocols, the clarity and style of reporting is appropriate, and the conclusions are supported by the data.


Brief discussions of other article types that provide stimulating and informative comments on contemporary work.

Theoretical Contributions

Articles relying on an original and creative synthesis of work, or analysis of the coherence of current perspectives. Theoretical contributions may attempt to propose new concepts, theories or models. Interdisciplinary works are very much encouraged.

Applied Perspectives

Articles that discuss the deployment on numerical cognition in, for example, education, employment, numerical understanding in the general public, etc. Applied perspectives can describe the current state of play, and draw attention to the gaps in research knowledge or foci.


Members of the editorial team, as well as invited guests, present key theoretical position statements on numerical cognition. This might involve a review of the state of the field, an evaluation of key paradigms used to investigate certain phenomena and ideas, or the identification of emerging issues for research. Editorials may also comment on the relationship between, and impact of, the articles that appear in a journal issue.

Book Reviews

This section includes reviews of recent books on any relevant topic. Members outside of the editorial team are also invited to submit book reviews for publication.